Save the Children is the largest independent children’s rights organization in the world. It provides support in disaster situations and via long term projects to ensure that children can grow up healthy and live a safe, autonomous life. As part of it long term funding initiatives, Save the Children looked for innovative ways to strengthen its support from its financial supporters for its work for children in Germany and worldwide.
The idea of offering a setting for its key financial supporters to interact with each other was conceived to provide a platform for both these and Save the Children to explore their needs and expectations for their mutual collaboration. The World Café was designed to foster a deeper personal understanding of the importance of this work to improve the lives of children through their projects worldwide. In addition, the dialogue provided an opportunity to reflect upon the empowering role which supporters play to make a difference for children’s lives. The World Café aspired to create a stronger bond between the financial supporters and Save the Children. As a result, Save the Children hoped to encourage a more personal and financial engagement of their financial supporters in the future.